
I live with my wife and two boys in Ballard, Seattle's still quirky but increasingly gentrified old Nordic fishing community. We live in an old Craftsman that's needed a lot of work since before we inherited it, and maybe we'll get around to that before we pass it along.

I'm a front-end developer at the University of Washington School of Law, and I'd like to stay here until I retire and collect my lovely union pension. I've recently taken over responsibility for overseeing email marketing, am thinking about replatforming for the main site, and am taking a larger role in providing editorial oversight.

I am not interested in your VC-funded whatever or anything connected to Amazon. I'm not trying to disrupt anything. We've had more than enough of that.

I (somewhat) recently put my old webcomic back online, at my older kid's encouragement, and began (very slowly) adding my old daily white board drawings to a second comic called #WhiteBoard385. These were previously only available on Instagram.

Does anyone remember that site? It was the last hopeful reach of the old internet before it slipped away forever.

But my current jam is — I don't know. I think I'm currently in search of a jam, after playing Kendrick Lamar's Drake disses on repeat for so long. I just recently dove back in Shellac's blistering 1000 Hurts and have listened to a lot of Wire, but in the absence of a current obsession, it's always going to come back to Guided by Voices.